Monday, February 20, 2006

Quick post: quick trip

This weekend Daddy, your brother and I took a very quick trip (24 hours round-trip in two and a half days) to celebrate Aunt E's birthday and to visit your baby cousin. It was a wonderful, exhausting, insane trip, but very worth it to see people we love so much.
I was reminded on this trip of how much every family is a matter of choice. Aunt E is your aunt- in-love, my best friend since I was 4, since she held my hair when I threw up because I was homesick at nursery school. Your cousin is your cousin because he is Daddy's sister's son. But he is ours because we love him and we promise to always love him.
In a restaurant on our way back, we sat across from a family with a beautiful daughter and son. Their dad told us their son turned one three weeks ago, the same week he came home from Guatemala. We congratulated them all doubly - on his birthday, and on his homecoming. How blessed they are to have him!
We are so eager for your homecoming. How blessed we'll be to have you home! (Come home soon).

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