Sunday, April 15, 2007

Evelyn Bennett

For all our talk about adoption reform, what constitutes adequate counseling and instruction on the long-term consequences of placement for mother and child, appropriate contexts for consent to placement, the value of kinship care, and the NEED of an aparent to be able to say in truth to their adopted child that it couldn't have been another way,

we have an obligation to get educated about Evelyn Bennett's case. OriginsUSA is demanding her return to her grandparents and her mother. You can hear Evelyn's grandmother and Stephanie's lawyer on about the first half of the adoption show.

(My own sure-to-be-unpopular opinion is that the second-half discussion of the agency's ethics and their placement of children from foster care and disruptions with Sandy undercuts the strength of the first half of the show. Placement for disrupted children is a very important service to children, and far too much of the latter discussion is speculative.)

The most recent Seriouslyjustme post speaks to adopting parents in a way everyone needs to hear: Yes, we know what it is like to want a child. But we also want to be able to face that child as an adult and say "It couldn't have been another way."


Overwhelmed! said...

I've read about Evelyn Bennett's tragic case. I do hope she is returned to her mother and her grandparents.

I do agree, as adoptive parents we need to be accountable to our children so that when they're old enough to start asking questions, we can look them in the eyes and give them honest answers.

BaseballGeek said...

Your view on the Adoption Show second half is not unpopular with me.

My first experience with the show was when the host interviewed Edward Albee, the playwright and adoptee. Whenever he said something that did not shed adoption in a negative light, the host manipulated the interview to spin an anti-adoption theme.

So, the [Anti-]Adoption Show is probably the worst venue for the Bennetts to have made their case, IMHO. I sincerely hope that a major media outlet will pick this up.