Sunday, September 10, 2006

We're not all Black

I've been reading "birth project" just for a short while, so I've been trying to go back and catch up. I'm going to need some time to really focus and respond in a more direct way to this post
While I mull, I really want you to read it.


Anonymous said...

hmm... a few things come to mind. First I was disgusted- it's exactly that way of thinking about "blackness" that leads people to segregate- then I thought-- this is just a blog, this woman is evidently still in the discovery process and is sharing with other people- there's no right or wrong in her feelings, they are just feelings- and she may think differently in a few days. If people worried a little less about how others perceive them- then they'd be better off. I see you thinking and reading that post, and mulling, and mulling and mulling- "I" will have to go through an identity crisis like we all do- and ds will too. The best to do is to teach your kids how to love themselves and not think of themselves as one thing or another. Yes, if she is being raised in an all-white community- she will stick out- but it's like that dumb qb of ours-- his talent sets him out- with it comes fame and fortune and also scrutiny (if he wasn't so talented in football he may have been a banker- then would anyone really care that he's an irresponsible punk- no)- Life is balanced (usually)- good is met by bad. I wish I had been given more tools to focus on the good. Your daughter and son will have dimensions that others will not know about-- you have dimensions that I don't know about- and you don't know about me. These are all normal things. This woman's parents probably did know about the challenges she would face- has she spoken to her parents about it (they may have been wise enough to know that some battles children have to face alone and all you can do as a parent is give them tools to tackle it)? You and DH are wonderful parents.

onegreyhorse said...

hey there I am glad you pointed to this site. I will be visiting again. I find that post intriguing, especially since we had some friends/family members who thought adopting a bi-racial child would somehow be "better" than adopting a full AA baby. Because if it was bi-racial it would be "half white." Oh the ignorance.