Thursday, June 29, 2006

Five Ingredients Friday - One (kind of) Ingredient Wonton Crisps

Between last Friday and this (I'm posting early because I don't think I'll get to sit down in front of the computer tomorrow) I lost my one ingredient recipe. I had to go on a whole kitchen search. One would think I wouldn't need a recipe for this. And yet . . .

---Wonton Crisps ---
1 pkg wonton skins

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Cut wonton skins into 1" strips. Curl strips around handle of wooden spoon. Slide each off of handle, curled, and place on lightly greased (or cooking sprayed - aha! TWO INGREDIENTS) cookie sheet. As you work, keep remaining wonton skins covered so as not to dry out.

Bake for 5-6 minutes, or until crisp but not too browned.

Serve with duck sauce, hoisin sauce, or another favorite dipping sauce (THREE, really!) for an easy, tasty appetizer.
Also good on salads.


Michelle said...

Those sound like a tasty snack to have!

Overwhelmed! said...

Very nice! I would've never thought of this. :)